All about me
Hi there, I'm Jelly
It is a pleasure to meet you. I made this page not only after being inspired by friends but out of a desire to truly give a holistic view of my vast soul.
It's easy to say hello to new people and try to present yourself at that moment in time. But a page like this can give the whole big picture as well as a personal level that words alone can't truly share.
So, who am I? What makes me me? I guess in a short sentence, I'm a total dork.
But in a few more words, I'm a girl born in '99 who has a love for life. I'm an appreciator of the little things in life, I'm not a spiritual person but I enjoy finding profound meaning in all things. Some people might find that silly, but I really do find life to be wonderful.
I've been accused of being bad at small talk because I'm all "big talk" but I guess I just like a deeper conversation!
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