All about me
Hi there, I'm Jelly
It is a pleasure to meet you. I made this page not only after being inspired by friends but out of a desire to truly give a holistic view of my vast soul.
It's easy to say hello to new people and try to present yourself at that moment in time. But a page like this can give the whole big picture as well as a personal level that words alone can't truly share.
So, who am I? What makes me me? I guess in a short sentence, I'm a total dork.
But in a few more words, I'm a girl born in '99 who has a love for life. I'm an appreciator of the little things in life, I'm not a spiritual person but I enjoy finding profound meaning in all things. Some people might find that silly, but I really do find life to be wonderful.
I've been accused of being bad at small talk because I'm all "big talk" but I guess I just like a deeper conversation!
What am I interested in?
I like all sorts from video games to reading to art! Connecting with people and scrapbooking my memories. I suppose in a way, that is what this page is, a digital scrapbook of sorts.
oh hey, if you want to check out what books I like, check out my reading log!!
Outer Wilds
The Cat Lady
Omori Disco Elysium EYE:divine cybermancy
The Science of Sleep
PingPong:The Animation
Ghost In the Shell:SAC
ChungKing Express
Over The Garden Wall
SpaceSong by BeachHouse
ThisIsTheDay by TheThe
SelfHarmageddon by DandelionHands
Spangle by Should
BoysDontCry by TheCure
Gymnopedie No.1 by Erik Satie
As is the case with many people, music tastes fluctuate, but Gymnopedie will always be so so special to me.It will never leave me now.