The adventures of Crumb the sucklet.

latest update

Hello, I am crumb. I eat yummy snacks and like to go on adventures!!

These pictures are from an adventure to North Wales!! I'm no stranger to the woodland and there are plenty of mushrooms to find in the trees!

The beach wasn't as good. The sand gets in my fluff and I can't go into the water or I get all soggy and smelly.

I went all the way to see the big french mind control tower. It was kind of neat. It wasn't made out of candy though so 2/10 for taste.

I also met a mossy friend of mine and climbed some autumnal steps. It was cold out but I got hot chocolate at the end of the steps, so I think it is worth it.

I got a biiiiig bed all to myself at the hotel. I ordered room service and ate 7 cheese burger dinners.

I am eating snacks, please be patient for updates.